Planned quantity 2022 for Germany

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Please state the planned quantity for Gemany in kilogram for each type of equipment. Planned quantities are the quantities which you plan to sell in Germany next year. We advise you to calculate generously, because adjustments cause additional fees.

Types of equipmentPlanned quantity 2022 (in kg)

1. Temperature exchange equipment
(e.g. refrigerators, oil-filled radiators, dehumidifiers etc.)

2. Screens, monitors
(e.g. equipment containing screens having a surface greater than 100 cm²)

3.1 Gas discharge lamps
(Fluorescent lamps and energy-saving bulbs)

3.2 Lamps, except gas discharge lamps
(LED retrofits)

4.1 Large equipment
(equipment with external dimension > 50 cm)

4.2 Large photovoltaic panels
(PV-modules with external dimension > 50 cm)

5.1 Small equipment
(equipment with external dimension ≤ 50 cm)

5.2 Small photovoltaic panels
(PV-modules with external dimension ≤ 50 cm)

6. Small IT and telecommunication equipment
(ITC equipment with external dimension ≤ 50 cm)

* = Required